#FlyMom on a Lunch Break

  My friend and I are determined to change the #flymoms representation on Instagram to  pictures of fly fishing moms, verses moms just looking really cool. I don’t doubt those moms are way cool, but there is just something special about fly moms, the fly fishing kind. We are strange, we do crazy things with…

Spey Casting Parents

Proud to have this shared on Moldy Chum website! Over 1,000 views! Thanks, Moldy Chums! http://www.moldychum.com/home-old/2015/4/23/spey-casting-parents.html  I found a rotten carrot near my seat buckle and cathartically threw it out the window. It was a ceremonial gesture; signaling the end of 9 hours alone in a car with three kids, to the ultimate final destination with…