5 Ways To Get Through Winter

  Is the winter getting you down? Here are some ways you can get through it…because we’re all barely hanging in there and the white stuff keeps falling!!!!! (Some of my advice is terrible, so you’ll have to sort through it yourself) 1.  Take your kids sledding almost every day. It is as horrid as it…

Strange Holiday Customs

I began to put this picture on our Christmas card, but realized some folks may not fully appreciate the Eagle’s Thanksgiving Plate. I cherish this picture because even though my children appear barbaric, it reminds me of one of my favorite days of the Holiday Season, a time where I say ‘no’ to a traditional role and visit the fish with my…

Fly Fishing Moms Vs. Camp Kids

When you don’t tell anyone what you are planning because you’re sure they would think you are crazy, you may be a fly fishing adventure mom. You let people know you will be gone for a week, but only share the details in short snippets you estimate they can handle. For example, “Ya, we’re going camping…

#FlyMom on a Lunch Break

  My friend and I are determined to change the #flymoms representation on Instagram to  pictures of fly fishing moms, verses moms just looking really cool. I don’t doubt those moms are way cool, but there is just something special about fly moms, the fly fishing kind. We are strange, we do crazy things with…

Egg Crowd Moments

I don’t know folks, I sacraficed a river weekend to take my kids to an Easter Egg hunt in the city and *sigh*… Those of you that know me well, know this is sort of my worst nightmare. No parking. Waiting in lines. Traffic. People everywhere fighting to get their kids in the front of…

PB&J From the Hood

There’s something about a PB&J from the hood that tastes so much better than the kitchen kind. Perhaps it’s the way I dump a half cup of PB on each sandwich, hoping it will help satiate the rascals for at least a half hour. Food is always the ticket, until it isn’t anymore. My rule of,…

Do the Snake Roll…

The rain let up and the sun peeked out over the Snake River drainage. Walking towards the river, I always feel a bit of confidence and approach the day with ‘here I come’ or ‘get ready to be netted’. Interestingly, even though I was carrying a giant spey rod with a reel that was the size…