Angry Angler and Mamma Bear

The sun’s last rays of light wrap themselves around the red rocks above us, signaling the end of the day and the beginning of a delicious evening bug hatch. A warm breeze rolls through the canyon gently and the sounds of Enya echo through my brain…you know the sound: peaceful and sort of primal. I…

I Confess…I Killed It

I must confess: I killed a fish and joined a gang. Not just any fish, a rainbow trout, my favorite fish. It’s in my fridge, stiff as a board. I have found myself in the kitchen a few times- I open the fridge door, move the ketchup and leftovers from a BBQ weekend, just to…

Alaska Part I

Just when I start to believe the turbulence is over, the plane drops down as if a giant bats us out of the sky. The pilot’s voice echoes through the small 20 seat  plane and says, “We have some weather up ahead going through the Lake Clark Pass. Enjoy the ride!” The plane jerks to…

Groovy Sign Dancers

Seriously though, who are these sign dancers? They really need a new reality show called “So you think you can dance…with a sign”. I love them! Some of the dancers are so enthusiastic, in the middle of traffic, busting out to a tune with a sign flip here and there, trying to get your attention…